
Sustainable Prosperity

“Prosper Now”
By Rev. Marilyn Miller
Creating more prosperity is simpler than you think. Prosperity is more than creating a bigger income. Your true Source is Universal and not dependent on the economy, your job, or other circumstances.

Step #1: Set Your Priorities
Prosperity begins by focusing on the priorities that create an abundant life. The author of Think And Grow Rich, tells us the most successful people list their priorities as follows:
1). Peace Of Mind 2). Good Health
3). Positive Relationships 4). Meaningful Work 5). Material Wealth
Step #2: Know What You Want
Prosperity begins by clarifying what you want and writing it down. Then build an image of what your desire looks like. Include the amount of money you want from expected and unexpected income.
Step #3: Believe You Deserve It
You need not be a saint to receive. You deserve good because it is available and you do not take away anything from others. If you focus on mistakes and life’s difficult experiences, you block your desires.
Step #4: Feel The Emotions of Having Your Desire Now
Create the feelings and emotions of receiving: Gratitude, Peace of Mind, Love & Joy. Choose one or two feelings you want when you have received your good and practice them as you visualize what you want.
Step $5: Think & speak about solutions & answers.
Create a feeling of being open to receive. Forgive your self and others and express gratitude in all situations. Don’t discuss your problems with others. Think about possible solutions. Act as if you already have what you want.

For more information check out “Holidays & Heroes”  The power of seasonal celebrations.